Caedenal Almasi

Datacenter: Dynamis | Server: Kraken

The Golden Viper

Divinity Writ In Coin

Nationality: Ul'dahn
Profession: Trade Consortium Member
Business (On Paper): Spices and Silks
Business (Reality): Entirely Off-Record

Likes and Dislikes

+ Family
+ Royalists
+ The Sultana
+ Gil
+ Ul'dah
- Monetarists
- Losing Gil on a Bad Deal
- Things Not Going His Way

Emerald and Gold

Name: Caedenal Almasi
Alias: The Golden Viper
Age: Late 20s
Gender: Male
Race: Hyur
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 6 Fulms 4 Ilms
Build: Lean-Muscled, Fit



The Golden Viper

Noble in both bearing and in breeding, Caedenal Almasi appears much as one might expect of the young Trade Prince. Standing a couple ilms above six fulms, he is tall without being overly standout, and the body that is often hidden away beneath finely crafted armor or tailored suits is well-muscled in athletic fashion, leaving him powerfully built without being overly bulky, with all the hallmarks of a man with a focus on agility over brute strength. Handsome in a classical sense, his jaw is strong and his nose is straight and eyes of brilliant, vibrant green sit beneath a well-formed brow, and he is surprisingly pale for a man born of Ul'dah. Clean-shaven, with hair the color of spun gold that he wears somewhat long, typically swept back from his face in a loose bun, his features are unmarred by age or by injury. His smile comes easily, oftentimes a slanted and knowing thing that’s touched by a natural charisma.Carrying himself well, there’s a confidence about the eldest Almasi son that’s deeply rooted to the point of being nearly unshakable, but it seems well-paired with a natural self awareness that ensures he doesn’t tip into the realm of insufferable--not often, at least. His eyes are nearly always heavy-lidded, as if laboring beneath some great tiredness or other influence, and when he speaks he sometimes seems to be elsewhere, distracted by something unseen or unknown. Favoring armor and clothes of traditional Thanalan style and make, he likewise has a weakness for custom tailored suits, adjusted for fit and touched with elaborate details that speak to a talented seamstress’ hand.

The Dunestalkers

“Across the dunes of the deep sands they stalked, with wakes of glittering blue that lingered like so many stars in the sea of the sky. They sought that which had been forgotten, uncaring of the horrors awaiting within the drowning dark, for they knew themselves to be more terrible still. They took two words as their motto, threat, observation, and reminder all in one: Gods Bleed.”
Clad head to toe in magitek armor, the sleek black that covers the whole of Caedenal’s Dunestalkers serves as their most remarkable and distinguishing feature. With faces hidden behind visors, unknown armament, and a questionable purpose, the Trade Prince is rarely without at least one of this armored cadre. To outfit one man to such an extent is no individual effort, much less to arm half a dozen, and so those who deal or work with magitek may well have had interaction or business with the Trade Prince in a wholly under the table fashion.

The Vipers Almasi

“Who is to say what happens behind doors emblazoned with the always peering eye? The name Almasi spreads through the trade circuits with renewed vigor, yet when is he to be seen outside of minding his twin’s left?”
The Almasi Family is both vast and notoriously tight-knit, even as Consortium families go, with each of the five children having been nurtured from birth to a specific end. Spread throughout the main domestic markets of the Sultanate, Caedenal’s siblings see to the majority of the family business that has existed for generations. Unlike the rest of his family, the Trade Prince’s business pursuits remain purposefully shrouded, but this has hardly removed him from the day to day of his Consortium’s operation. Textiles, spices, precious stones, the Almasi’s have their hands in every piece of what may be anticipated of an Ul’dahn family, and Caedenal is present throughout it all. Any that engage in commerce within the city-state have a reasonable chance of knowing him.

Memories of Campaign

“The Trade Prince gave himself wholly to the campaign of the Forelands, with the acrid incense of the Onemind burning within his nostrils, and the constant pounding of loosed munition assailing bone with its repeated bassy reports. It was here, against the servants of a God of Swordsmen, that he would become friend to the Vath and Nonmind, those that would give him the blade of brilliant blue. The Garleans within Ghimlyt would only know it to be red, seen in inexorable advance, with the choir of Ser Lanvalloix and his Knights in lethal crescendo alongside him. The Templars plied their worship in blood, the Sultansworn in yalms claimed for the Sultana, in either they found an easy common cause.”Caedenal’s service to the Sultanate has carried him far from home on more than one occasion, with most necessitating his presence until the campaign has fully concluded. He spent near the whole of Dragonsong within Dravania, and fought on nearly every front established against Garlemald for at least a time. Be it as Sultansworn, or a contracted Free Paladin, many who served would have ample opportunity to have encountered the Trade Prince throughout his years of campaigning.

Goblet Seeker

“From the first he heard of the story, he has sought the Goblet. Not as Jhal Tristram once did, storied and dear as the name is to any that once called themselves Sultansworn, but to quest instead across the dunes his forebear Anarana once ranged. It was her long covered footsteps he followed, and her spirit that guided him, of this he was certain.”A fascination that rivals his devotion to the Sultana, the mythical Goblet has long demanded a worrying amount of Caedenal’s attention. Vast amounts of his wealth, and indeed the shrouded focus of his business in Edict, have been devoted wholly to the pursuit of an artifact that very likely doesn’t exist. This has naturally positioned him within the greater artifact sector, where the Trade Prince is known to pay well for any that catch his eye.

In Her Name

“He had pounded towards Garlean trenches until his calves screamed with the tensing burn of exhaustion, had suffered under withering Gnath enfilade, and gave years of his life to the discomforts of campaign without second thought. He had conquered and outright slain his countrymen upon the Bloodsands, faced horrors beyond his waking comprehension, all of it with the same three words upon his lips – For the Sultana.” While the family Almasi openly regards themselves as Royalists, Caedenal remains a pointed distinction. Dedicated wholly to the Sultana, in his every action Caeden believes himself to be serving her cause. Be it a business deal, military campaign, or a matter of politics, the Trade Prince’s need to accrue more wealth and power is ostensibly borne of further empowering himself and his family to serve the Sultana. Monetarists are met with immediate and hounding hostility, the polite cold war that has settled across the Sultanate not enough for the Trade Prince, who loudly invites open conflict with any that would see his Sultana threatened. Royalists are likely to find an easy and perhaps too trusting ally in Almasi, for Monetarists only unreasonable derision awaits.

The Bloodsands

“The roar of the crowd was an addiction, more pressing than any need to test himself as a swordsman against another. With the flame of his twin at his back, the Trade Prince had taken the sands repeatedly for the glory of his Sultana, in pursuit of the deafening adoration that could only be found upon them, and most pointedly for one more night of the heavy head high that always followed.”
Prior to being called Sultansworn, Caedenal made quite the name for himself in the gladiator arenas alongside his twin sister, Lavender. They were known for their flawless coordination and for the sheer brutality that came to characterize their matches--fighting only for love of the violence and the deafening response of the crowd, those who follow the fights are likely to remember his name. Combatants are likely to have crossed blades with him and his sister.

Out of Character Information

30-Something Husband, Dad, and Rancher from the American Southeast. EST-based and available most evenings!The easiest way to get in touch is to whisper me in-game on Caeden Almasi (Mateus) if you see me on, but if we share a Discord server and that's how you found your way here, feel free to ping me or shoot me a DM!